1. Know your venue
Getting lost in campus can be embarrassing and lead you to
attend your class late. And if you thought the ‘I got lost’ is a non-clichéd
excuse, you are wrong. It is very common and in addition it gives the
impression that you are a disoriented loser. MMU’s classroom are designated by
codes. It is important not only to memorize your faculty’s venue but the some
key venues where exams might be held.
![]() |
Unless if you have Bear Grylls's survival skills you might just survive anywhere. |
2. Remember names
Lecturers are people too, so remember your lecturer’s name.
Sure, they do feel appreciated when you greet them outside by their name but it
is also useful for your own future benefit when you are required to write your
lecture’s name in your final examination. Remembering names can get handy when
you want something from that person too. An easy tip to remember names is to
repeat them in your conversation. When
someone greets you, greet them back by using their name ‘Good morning Mars’.
When your lecturer calls you out in class ‘Mars, would you like to answer the
question?’ reply ‘Yes, Dr. Fluffybottom, the answer is …’ It’s a proven
psychology that calling people by their name makes you more likable by that
person. People appreciate it when you address them with their name
3. Get Fit
Most MMU campus have gyms and swimming pools. Use the opportunity
to get fit. You don’t have to build your body like Arnold. Just hit the gym
once a week to stay healthy and in shape. College life can be long and you
don’t want to repeat a lazy ass routine after class, sleeping and eating junks
infront your laptop all day long. Fit bodies lead to better health, confidence
and more success with romantic endeavors. For starters you may want to join our
MMU Flex Club (Melaka/Cyberjaya)
4. Don’t take it too seriously
Social skills are important in any career nowadays. So, stop
focusing too much on getting a 4 pointer if you are sacrificing your social
life. Plus, college is where all fun you can have before you jump you’re your
mundane working life. Go out and try that bowling alley or pool center. Be a slut. Be an alcoholic. No joke. But
whatever it is be amused by your mistakes and failures and be thankful that you
learned your lesson and won’t mess up like that again. And most importantly do
things that you enjoy! Life in MMU is not strictly academic, it can be mixed
with pleasure.
5. Help others even if you don’t know them personally.
The importance of helping other people in MMU community can
be well summed up in this little story here.
Few months ago, I used to drive to campus from my apartment.
My apartment is about ten minutes’ walk from campus and things can get abit nauseating
during a hot season. I always bump into this international guy (we do not know
each other personally but we know we live and study in the same place). He
walks to campus almost every day and one day I thought I’d give him a ride.
Because why not? It was a hot day anyways. So that was that, I dropped him and
my relationship with him maintained as the stranger guy who did me a favor. I’m
not complaining, it was a favor and I wasn’t expecting anything in return. Two
weeks ago, I had to give my car away. So, it was all back to my walking days
again. I took a bus from KL to Melaka on a hot, blazing day. I was sweating in
the bus even with the AC on and cringed all the way unable to decide whether to
take the bus or the cab back to my apartment or shall I just sleep in central
till it’s dark and not hot. As I got down from my bus, this international guy I
dropped in campus last time turns out to be travelling in the same bus with me
(I didt notice him). He offered me to ride back home with his friends car. I
was glad I helped him last time.
Helping people has a ripple effect. If you help someone they
will feel more obliged to help someone else, and so on. Pay it forward. Some
call it the karma effect (if you believe it). You will never regret, trust us.
6. Be honest.
There is nothing wrong in admitting that you are a smoker. It’s
just like when a fat person admits that they are fat. Both are not concerned
with their health and there is no reason to judge one and not the other. Being
honest leads you to expand your social circle and most importantly, real
friends. Just consider if you admit to someone that you smoke weed occasionally
and that person continues to be your friend. It’s either your friend wants some
free weed or they simply don’t care what you do because all that matters is you
as a friend. In MMU, you will often face students lying about their result.
Never ever lie about your results. We live in a small community and your
results are not guarded by three headed dogs in some secret chamber. Almost
anyone can find out your real result. Just head to ERU and submit an ID and ask
for latest result. Lecturers are not obligated to make results private too.
When the truth has been revealed, be prepared to face the worst for the rest of
your years here. It’s okay to admit if you failed, repeating or extending.
Here is a true story. A friend of mine has this habit of not
lying about his academics. He is extending two years and every time he got
introduced to his junior, especially ladies, he would shamelessly admit his
failures, past mistakes, the reason why he is extending and his regrets, to
them. Its unbelievable how this chicks will dig him after that. Talk about
brutal honesty as seduction tool.
7. Set a realistic layout of your goals and dreams
Every time I ask my classmate what they want to do in the
future? I will get ‘I want to be the next tiger of Jelutong!, ‘Be rich and buy
a BMW’, and other really mundane and dull answer. There is no structure in that
goal. You can aspire to become an evil genius to destroy the world, but what
are the steps are you going to take to fulfill your dreams? So many people
wander aimlessly through life simply go for whatever small thing they want
moment by moment. Instead, decide what your perfect life consists of and begin
to put the steps in motion to reach that place. Set a realistic layout plan
now. For example, what skills you require to achieve your goals? How are you
going to acquire those skills? When can you possibly master those skills? How
are you going to utilize those skills to achieve your goals? Where are you
going to work in the future? How are you planning to progress from that work
place? Trust us, if you don’t have a plan now, you will get stuck in the
working life limbo where everything is too late to plan and you will accept
your sad fate that you are only capable of working for other people.
Be it for short term assignment or your future plans. A goal
is a goal and it is wise to set a plan for it now.
8. Be thick skinned
No matter how nice
you are, they will be atleast one person in MMU that will hate you for no
apparent reason. This hate will be subtly communicated towards your group of
friends too. At the end of the day, you will have a flock of crows that will be
determined to bring your name down in MMU and that will be their sole burning
desire. That’s what jealously can do to people.Most people get very upset when
they are called negative names by others, but there is a simple trick to
overcoming this. Here it is: If I went up to you and called you a fire hydrant,
would you be upset? Of course not. Obviously you are not a fire hydrant, you
are a human being. The same concept applies to when someone calls you something
that you know you are not. They are foolish for saying such things, so why
would you react with such anger? The only exception is when someone calls you
something that is true! In this case, you should thank them for alerting you to
a weakness, one that you can now work on changing.