Just to get the scary one out of the way first, it is difficult to explain how much reading a law degree involves other than to say that there are a lot of law books! Law students get a reputation for clocking up the library hours because each week you need to learn what the law actually is and academics’ opinions of it from scratch, and neither of these will be particularly short.Check out this 15 relatable GIF compiled by MMU Law Students.
1.Everybody thinks you are a master debater and avoids an argument with you.
'I know nothing but hopefully this lawyer look will shut him up' |
2. You give legal advise when you have no idea what you are talking about...and you've probably promoted your future services to your non law friends.
3.You diet and exercise so you don't have to buy a new suit or a new law night dress.
Midterm in 2 days but need to stay healthy?No problemo |
4.You are motivated by fear of failure instead of desire to succeed
5. Donoghue v Stevenson is permanently stuck in your head.
Now this is getting too much... |
6.You actually read things before you sign them.
7.You know the secret of ctrl+alt+f when doing assignments
8. You have probably bookmarked Lexis Nexis in your browser
Lexis Nexis? I use Bing Search to find cases. |
9.You'l have no idea what to write in your exam but it will be more than a booklet.
10.You constantly point out acts of negligence and use latin terms in public.
But your Mens Rea says otherwise you scum! |
11.Your textbooks are more expensive than your house rent.
12.Regardless of how many times you memorize it, you will end up mixing all the case name during finals.
13.You make up a new case fact when you realize you did't memorize any case for that issue.
hmm,im gonna name this case Konichiwa v Kawasaki!Kawaii
14.You have subconsciously mastered the art of typing.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndddddd....its done |
15.Despite everything, you know being a law student in MMU is cool.
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