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5 Life Decision That You Will Regret Making In College

So you just turned 18 and got accepted to a University where you are about to embark a wonderful journey pursuing your dream career.How hard can it be right? Plus you are an adult now,so whats the worst can happen to you? Boy! I have news for you and for starters, lets just say regular visits to the abortion clinic is not the worst thing that can happen to you. We may think we have a pretty good control over of what's good for us and what's bad  for us (For example, reading book is good. Murdering classmate is bad) but the campus life is a ridiculous mess of evolutionary butt attacks that finds it way to continuously surprise buttf*ck us and that's when really really BAD decisions are made...so, here are 7 life decisions that you will regret making in college.

1.Joining the Hufflepuff

On a totally unrelated matter, did you know that the Hufflepuff  house from Hogwart is actually a smoking and stoning reference? Anyways, let start with smoking and other addictions.Okay, I'm not going to give you the most overused cliched advise of smoking kills so you should't start.No.Heck, I'm smoker till today,for almost 9 years now and I have honestly no idea whether I should throw a party next year to celebrate my 10th year of successfully raping my lungs with tobaccos. I started smoking in college and here is why I regret it. I smoked my first tobacco out of culture shock and peer pressure for the first few years. I told myself I could quit and hell yes I did after a year. I entirely quit smoking after a year I started because I know its not good for health. But three months later, my mind was not working well, and I get easily distracted and stressed out. I know my body was craving for cigarette. Why? Remember the reason I started smoking? That's right, I've accidentally formed a habit of smoking whenever I'm stressed,studying or relaxing and now my body is craving for it whenever I am stressed,studying or relaxing. A common mistake you will make in your life is starting something with reason, be it alcohol, weed or cigarette. For example, if you started drinking because you feel sad, you will feel like drinking whenever you are sad and that's what forms a habit. It's the basic chemistry of the addiction concept and I don't need to tell how many justifications and reasons you can provide if you want to smoke and drink during your college life. Most of the time you will excuse yourself by putting the blame on pressure and stress for smoking and this habit will stick till you grow old. Pressure and stress does't grow old, so  be warned. 

2.Forcing A Long Distance Relationship

Most probably you were already in a relationship when you come to university. Your boyfriend is most likely studying in a prestigious university in London and you, here, in a remote town in Malaysia where people doubt the existence of your university. What are the odds that your boyfriend is not banging his British classmate right now? If you don’t mind that, very well, you are indeed a true lover.If you don’t agree that long distance relationship is difficult, you either have an indestructible trust bonding with your partner or you are a naive child ruined by fantasy love flicks and novels. In reality, a long distance relationship cannot be magically transformed into a perfect domestic relationship we all dream about. Long-distance relationships often masquerade as real relationships and exist in a suspended "honeymoon state," where everything is shiny and happy but devoid of the reality that is necessary to determine if the relationship will ultimately sink or swim. This is why many long-distance relationships fail. 

Deep down, you know you have met hundreds of better guys that you can have a realistic relationship with but NO. You have decided to live in a denial, proclaiming your long distance relationship is real and move on to cheat once in a while whenever you feel like your partner is cheating on you and eventually be labeled as a slut when the whole world finds the truth about you. Seriously, save the trouble and get into a new relationship if you are not confident with your partner that is going to return 5 years later (who also promised not to have sex for 5 years until you re-unite. Good luck with that. Hearts can wait, dicks wont darling.You could be spending a lot of time waiting for someone who is ready to move on. But if you have the will power, proper commitment and planning, long distance relationship do thrive. This usually happens when you have a good internet connection and a strong Skype connection. 

3.Relying On Your Friends Too Much

Just like any other living organism, the sole purpose of human being is to survive as long as we could before we die.  The human survival is an intricate subject twisted with mischief and deception. People would do anything to survive. Today, I might just backstab you. Literally. For having more make-up sets than me. Leaving you to die slowly and confused as fuck on why did your best friend stabbed you. That’s the kind of world we live in nowadays. Seriously. Most of time, you will often encounter people who only care about what they can get from you and that is why you should be careful each time you meet someone new. Here are some situations, people will often use your popularity to promote their event/product (and they pretend to be your friend), get close to you for financial assistance, and your stupidity to turn you into a slave that does trivial chores for them and many more. At the end of the day, after they’ve accomplished what they needed from you, your so called new best friend will cease to exist and probably ignores your whatsapp messages even if it shows two ticks on your screen. People change and they will always disappoint you. The best you can do is never to put anyone on a pedestal in your university/college life. But what about those real friends that turned you down for no reason?  It’s not their fault. You have to face that our world exist within an isolated individual reality. You may think that you have friends that are there to support you and that you have family that is there to help you when needed. But do you really think that is the purpose of their life? To serve you as a good friend forever? What about their life? The reason why human beings are unreliable is because we are egocentric creatures. In our world, we are the center of it. Everything we know and experience involves our existence. Our mental properties are focused on us and always put us ahead of others. This is not to say that you cannot put someone else ahead of yourself but in order to do so, you will have to be focused and do so with strong intent. There are many situations that will test the bond of your friendship and sadly, not many survived. The fact is, there will always be circumstances where your friends will let you down and it might not even be their fault.

4. Not Apologizing 

Admit it, sometimes you miss those wonderful days that you guys were spending together, until that storm hits your friendship and turned your bff  into a sworn enemy. You wish you could go back in time and fix things or maybe just send that short text message saying ‘sorry : ( ’. But you can’t do it. It’s not your fault right? Why should you apologize for their shitty attitude right? Apologizing can be a hard thing to do. Our human nature fights against admitting we have done wrong. Emotions and pride can get in the way. Sometimes a person fears that apologizing shows weakness or will bring a consequence if wrongdoing is acknowledged. (Turns out human nature is an egoistic bitch as well)  But sometimes apologizing doesn’t mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It simply means that you value your relationship more than your ego. So there is nothing wrong in apologizing if you want to fix a bad relationship before it is too late.There is an old saying that an apology goes a long way. Apology is like the super glue of all broken relationship. It can repair just about anything and even if it may not look the same, it is repaired. Fixing a bad relationship sometimes can provide you with a serene feeling and make all that guilt feelings u had to fly away. Apologizing opens up the doors to communication, which allows you to reconnect with the person who was hurt. It also allows you to express regret that they have been hurt, which lets them know you really care about their feelings and this can help them feel safer with you again. Arguments happen, but don’t let them ruin lifelong friendships.

5. Regretting For Not Having Fun

You’re young, everything is fun, and marriage seems like the next logical step. Take a step back and wait. You are only 23 now and you'd probably had no life during your campus life. Lets be clear that joining clubs and societies does not define what fun is in campus. Almost everybody does that. We are talking about the personal satisfaction you'd always wanted to have like throwing a private island gateway vacation, flirting with island boys, attending a foam birthday party, reliving every moments of American Pie and Project X, late night long drives, random night hikes to stare at stars and many other things. Of course that's a bit too much to ask and people often says you can always have fun after you're done with college...when you graduate and have a proper job..right.Well folks, here is the ultimate truth.You DON'T HAVE FUN AFTER YOU GRADUATE simply because YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE TIME TO DO IT.I REPEAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE TIME TO DO IT. So just go out and have fun and do things you've always wanted to do while you are still studying. 

Author Profile : Bosco
Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever.Alcohol junkie. Entrepreneur. Typical food evangelist. Friendly bacon specialist.
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