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10 Useless Websites To Visit When You Are Bored

You have no idea how crazy the internet can be. Given its infinite size, you can always expect some lunatic to start up a crazy site featuring a game where you eat noodles with your nose and squeeze it out through your anus. And no, we are not talking about bizzare porn sites romanticizing with fecal matters and ball gags BUT safe for work websites that is capable of inducing epileptic disorder.  Here are 10 crazy and useless websites to kill your boredom .

1. Gay Test 

There are almost as many quizzes and questionnaires that I have used in order to find my personality, self realization, what type of superheroe I would be, what kind of jobs will suit me, and even when I will die. While most of it are just for fun and a waste of time, this 'Gay Test' brought it to the next level. Send it to your friends (Warning : Not Safe For Homos)
Link : http://flash.pivpiv.dk/testgay.html

2. Incredibox

Incedibox is probably my most favorite site in this list. This site is about creating your own acapella masterpiece. Initially blank, you can drag various beats, effects, melodies, and voices onto your 'hipster dude' slowly creating your mix.Its truly creative and relaxing at the same time. 
Link : http://www.incredibox.com/                                                            Video Source :Ando Hi/Youtube

3. Find The Invisible Cow

Turn on your audio for this one or play it with an earphone. Tip : Follow the sound 
Link : http://www.findtheinvisiblecow.com/

4. Weave Silk

Nothing is more entertaining than a site that allows me to explore my hidden talent of drawing bones and internal organs. Then i saw this made by other users and I was like 'Fuck you, now my art looks like shit' But if you are the artistic type and looking for a site to waste your time on,sally forth to weave silk.
Link : http://weavesilk.com/

5. Staggering Beauty

This site was probably created as a suicide tool for seizures & epilepsy patient. What seems like a friendly wiggly penis at first is actually a monstrous seizure inducing dick. Tip : Do not shake vigorously. (WARNING : DO NOT CLICK IF YOU HAVE SEIZURES )
Link : http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/

6. Granpa No Clothes

Literally.I can't really elaborate much on this.
Link : http://grandpanoclothes.com/

7. Heinz Beans Massacre

A mini interactive flash site that let you kill innocent beans. Probably a marketing stunt by Heinz but we don't know. (warning : this site is not bean friendly)
Link : http://www.simonpanrucker.com/beans.swf

8. Neave.TV

Remember how psychiatric patients are tied and forced to watch some random clips in movies? Like some sort mind control thingy in human experiments? Well this site is like that but features some randomly selected funny and pointless clips from all around the world. For some unknown reason, i enjoyed it. 
Link : http://neave.tv/

9. Neave Strobes

Here is a cheaper version of LSD that distorts your vision and gets you trippy. (WARNING : DO NOT CLICK IF YOU HAVE SEIZURES )
Link : http://neave.com/strobe/

10. Bio Bak

I have no idea what is the purpose of this site but since it has cool graphic and ambiguous in games, why not.
Link : http://www.bio-bak.nl/

Know any other useless and fun sites? Comment below and share it us. p.s : We know what you did to that granpa.You perverts...Thank You for reading.

About the Author
I worked in corporate for 8 years before jumping ship and becoming a freelancer. I blog, I write, I read, and I love learning about blog design and other blog tips and tricks! Join me in my journey to discovery!
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